Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Weekend at Home!

Eric was off for Veterans Day so we had a lovely 3 day weekend.  We started out on Friday morning by taking Weston to the dog park.  The poor guy hasn't been there in months.  It was only 37 degrees when we left so we bundled Elise all up so that she looked like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story.  She was pretty cute. 

Weston hadn't had a bath in way too long and I found out that at Petco they have a self-service dog wash area for $12.  Our tub is out of commission right now so that was our answer!  He did pretty well for being a dog who hates the mere mention of the word.

We also visited Pa (Eric's dad) at work so he could show off Elise a little bit.  She got all sorts of attention!

Oh and while at Petco they had all their Halloween dog toys 50% off so we treated Weston to a candy corn man.  It didn't last very long!

Friday night we got some Chinese and caught up a little more on Sons of Anarchy.  It's a TV show on FX about a motorcycle club in California and we got sucked into it pretty quickly.  Unfortunately, we don't get FX so we watched the first 2 seasons on Netflix, got the 3rd season on Ebay, and are catching up on the 4th season online. 

On Saturday, Elise and I met up with Amma (Eric's mom), Steph, Lizzie, and Aunt Mary to do a little Christmas shopping.  Elise LOVED looking at all the pretty sparkly things and showing off her cuteness to fellow shoppers.  Later on Ally (Eric's cousin) came over to watch Elise for a few hours so we could meet up with my friend Joe Leaf, who was in town for the opening of his brother's new bar.  It was nice to get out for a little with baby and Ally did a great job!

Today was spent at Bible class and church followed by WAY too much football.  Here's a picture of Elise tonight after her bath wearing her adorable little nightgown.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Solids!

  My goal was to exclusively nurse Elise until she was 6 months old but she's really been watching us eat lately and she'll be 6 months in 8 days anyways. In my opinion, we made it. :) We had to go to BuyBuyBaby last night anyways to get her a humidifier so I picked up some organic (of course!) rice cereal and some spoons. I was almost giddy as I was trying to scarf down dinner so we could feed her. Eric was the official videographer/photographer while I was the feeder. I followed the box's directions mixed 1T cereal with 3T breastmilk. She was not amused and cried and spit it out twice. So I added another T milk which made it pretty thin. I couldn't get it in her mouth fast enough! If I took too long she would start to cry. So she chowed down until the last 3-4 spoonfuls and she was done. She was a sloppy, cute mess with tears in her eyes by the time we were done. :)

Elise has had pooping issues for 3 months now and we were doing pretty well until the middle of October.  She has trouble getting it out and often screams before a fart comes out.  So she gets her "prune juice cocktail" twice a day and if she hasn't pooped in a few days I have to loosen her up "manually" (not fun).  By day 5 if she hasn't gone I give her a suppository which has no happened twice.  Today we are on day 3.  My mom pointed out last night that starting solids won't make the pooping any easier so I'm going to call the doc today and see what they say.  We may put a hold on the solids for now!
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Intro to Blogging?

Well, here goes nothing!  I've been wanting to start a blog since I first became pregnant and today I finally decided to just do it.  I'm going to try to post daily unless we've had a really busy day or there just isn't anything too exciting to post!  The posts will probably mostly be done by me (Anne) unless Eric surprises me and wants to help out, too.

I'll post pictures, news about us, and really anything that might interest others!  This blog is meant only for family and close friends so please don't share the address with others. 

Here goes nothing!